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- Masci, C.; Ieva, F.; Agasisti, T.; Paganoni A.m. (2019)
Evaluating class and school effects on the joint achievements in different subjects: a bivariate semi-parametric mixed-effects model.
Submitted [MOX report]
- Fontana, L.; Masci, C.; Ieva, F.; Paganoni, A.m. (2019)
Performing Learning Analytics via Generalized Mixed-Effects Trees“.
Submitted [MOX report]
- Massi, M., Ieva, F., Lettieri, E. (2018)
Data Mining Application to Healthcare Fraud Detection: A Two-Step Unsupervised Clustering Model for Outlier Detection with Administrative Databases.
Submitted [MOX report]
- Masci, C., Johnes, G., Agasisti, T. (2017)
Student and School Performance in the OECD: a Machine Learning Approach
Submitted [MOX report]
- Mazzali C, Lettieri E, Roshangalb A. (2017)
Can we measure the ‘hospital effect’ on performance from administrative data? Insights from the HF-Data research project in Italy,
- Mazzali, C., Lettieri, E. (2017)
Mortality and Readmissions for Heart Failure Patients: Insights on the Composite Outcome.
- Agasisti, T., Falzetti, P., Soncin, M. (2016)
Italian school principals’ managerial behaviors and students’ test scores: an empirical analysis.
Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP) Working paper No. 709. [url]