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- Masci,C. (2019) Invited lecture within the PhD course “comunicare la ricerca scientifica”. How do statistical models explain student learning? Semi-Parametric Mixed-Effects Models for Assessing Public Education Systems. Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano, 14 May 2019, Milano.
- Economics and statistics of education, Lisbon, 24 25 January 2019, Lisbon (Portugal) Talk: Performing Learning Analytics via Generalized Mixed-Effects Trees. Fontana, L., Masci, C., Ieva, F., Paganoni, A.M.
- Workshop on Education Economics, 4-5 April 2019, Leuven (Belgium) Talk: Analysis of university students dropout via Generalized Mixed-Effects Trees. Fontana, L., Masci, C., Ieva, F., Paganoni, A.M.
- IES 2019 – Statistical evaluation systems at 360°: techniques, technologies and new frontiers, 4-5 July 2019, Roma(Italy) Talk: Classification of Italian schools via semi-parametric mixed-effects models Masci, C., Ieva, F., Paganoni, A.M.
- F. Ieva (2016): Invited Lectures in the Workshop “Profiling in Health Care”. Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care in Germany (Zi)
- F. Ieva (2015): “Exploiting the use of large Administrative Databases for Modelling Repeated Hospitalizations and Death in Patients with Heart Failure”. CERGAS Bocconi, Milano (Italy).
- F. Ieva (2015): “Multi-State Modelling of Repeated Hospitalization and Death in Patients with Heart Failure: how to exploit the use of Administrative Databases in Clinical Care during and after Discharge”. Cardiovascular Centre of Trieste (Italy)
- CEN ISBS 2017 – Conference on Biometrics & Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Wien (Austria), August 8-13 Talk (invited): Multi state modelling of survival and repeated events in Heart Failure based on administrative data. F. Gasperoni, F. Ieva, G. Barbati
- ISCB 2017 – 38th annual conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Vigo (Spain), July 8-13, 2017 Talk: Multi state modelling for Heart Failure care path: a population-based study using administrative data. F. Gasperoni, F. Ieva, G. Barbati
- SIS 2017 – Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, Florence, June 28-30, 2017 Talk: Network Analysis of Comorbidity Patterns in Heart Failure Patients using Administrative Data. F. Ieva, D. Bitonti
- Aggiornamenti in cardiologia, ecocardiografia clinica ed EcocolorDoppler vascolare, Trieste (IT), February 10-11, 2017 Talk (invited): Multi state modelling of Heart Failure care path: a population-based investigation from Italy. F. Gasperoni, F. Ieva, G. Barbati, A. Scagnetto, A. Di Lenarda.
- L’evoluzione della ricerca epidemiologica basata sugli archivi sanitari: uno sguardo al futuro Pavia (IT), November 24-25, 2016 Poster: On the use of Administrative Data in Healthcare Planning and Research: a case study on Heart Failure patients in Lombardia from 2000 to 2012. C. Mazzali, S. Scalvini, F. Ieva, A.M. Paganoni, A. Frigerio, O. Agostoni
- SIS 2015 – Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, Trieste, September 9-11, 2015 Talk: Analysis of pupil’s achievments by means of bivariate mixed effect models. C. Masci, F. Ieva, T. Agasisti, A.M. Paganoni.
- ERCIM 2014, Pisa (Italy), December 06-08, 2014 Talk (invited): Exploiting the use of large administrative databases in epidemiology: multi state models for times to hospitalizations and death in Heart Failure. F. Ieva, A.M. Paganoni
- ISCB 2014 – 35th annual conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Wien (Austria), August 24-28, 2014 Talk: Statistical models for improving prognosis of chronic cardiovascular diseases: hazard reconstruction and clustering of patients affected by heart failure. T. Pietrabissa, F. Ieva, A.M. Paganoni
- IBC 2014 – 27° International Biometric Conference, Florence (IT), July 8-13, 2014 Talk: Study of Disease Profression via Dynamic Clustering Hazard Functions in non-homogeneous Counting Processes:an application to Heart Failure. T. Pietrabissa, F. Ieva, A.M. Paganoni
- Doing Research in Healthcare with Administrative Databases, Milan (IT), June 30th, 2014 Talk: Healthcare assessment from administrative data: multi state models for hospitalizations and time to death in chronic heart failure
- SIS 2014 – 47° Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Cagliari (IT), June 11-13, 2014 Talk: Multilevel modeling of heterogeneity in math achievements: different class- and school-effects across Italian regions. F. Ieva, T. Agasisti, A.M. Paganoni
- MRC Conference on Biostatistics, Cambridge (UK), March 24-26, 2014 Talk: Multi State modelling of hospitalization process and time to death in patients affected by Heart Failure: how to assess the burden of an extensive pathology from administrative data. F. Ieva, L.D. Sharples, C. Jackson
- Mazzali C., Invernizzi M., Motta M., Lettieri E., Trucco P., Gilli G. Migliori M., ADRN2017, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), 1-2 June 2017, “Evaluating Emergency Department overcrowding at regional level: a study in Lombardy region (Italy)”
- Mazzali C., Congresso Regionale SIMEU Lombardia 2016 – Itinerari di Pronto Soccorso, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo (Pavia), 19-20 Maggio 2016, “Modelli di misura del sovraffollamento del Pronto Soccorso a confronto”
- Mazzali C., Lettieri E., Zecchino D., IFKAD 2016 – Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity, Dresden (Germany), 15-17 June 2016, “Evidence-Based Knowledge Generation from Health Administrative Databases: The case of High/Low Performing Hospitals”
- Mazzali C., Nilo F., Lettieri E., Chiaroni D., Bressan AM., AIES 20th annual conference, Algehero (Italy), 15-16 ottobre 2015, “Evidence-based management in pronto soccorso: sperimentazione del modello NEDOCS per la valutazione e la gestione del crowding”,
- Mazzali C., Lettieri E., Pathways in Emergency 2015, Policlinico IRCCS S. Matteo (Pavia), 14-15 maggio 2015, “Come implementare e come applicare il NEDOCS”
- Garavaglia G., Mazzali C., 7th International Conference of the ERCIM_WG, ”, Pisa (Italy), 6-8 December 2014, “Study of heart failure hospitalizations using administrative data – first results from HFdata project”
- Mazzali C., Ieva F., Maistrello M., Barbieri P., SCo 2013, Milano (Italy), 9-12 September 2013, “Using adminstrative databases to study patients hospitalized for heart failure”
- ISCB – International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Birmingham, 22-08-2016, Multi-state models for cardiovascular disease. Gasperoni, F., Ieva, F., Barbati, G. and Di Lenarda A.
- 48th SIS-società italiana di statistica, 08-06-2016, Multi-state models for hospitalizations of heart failure patients in Trieste. Gasperoni, F., Ieva, F., Barbati, G. and Di Lenarda A.
- 8th IMA International Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health and Social Care, 23-03-2016, Modelling healthcare path of heart failure patients in the realities of Trieste through a multi-state approach. Gasperoni, F., Ieva, F., Barbati, G. and Di Lenarda A.
- Agasisti T., Bowers, A. J., & Soncin M. School principals’ leadership styles and students’ achievement: empirical results from a three-step Latent Class Analysis. Poster presented at AEFP Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA.
- Agasisti T., Falzetti P. & Soncin M. Italian school principals’ managerial behaviors and students’ test scores: an empirical analysis. Presented at VII Workshop on Economics of Education. Barcelona, Spain, September 4-5, 2016.
- Agasisti T., Falzetti P. & Soncin M. Italian school principals’ managerial behaviors and students’ test scores: an empirical analysis. Presented at 2015 EGPA – European Group for Public Administration – Annual Conference. Toulouse, France, August 26-28, 2015.
- Workshop on the econometric and statistics of efficiency analysis, Lecce (Italy), June 20, 2015. “Bivariate multilevel models for the analysis of mathematics and reading pupils achievements”. (Masci, C., Paganoni, A.M., Ieva, F., Agasisti, T.)
- LEER workshop “Efficiency in education and use of big data”, Leuven (Belgium), November 18-19, 2015. “The influence of school size, principal characteristics and school management practices on educational performance: An efficiency analysis of Italian students attending middle schools” (Masci, C., De Witte, K., & Agasisti, T.)
- 48th SIS-società italiana di statistica, Salerno (Italy), June 8 ,2016. “Analysis of pupils’ INVALSI achievements by means of bivariate multilevel models” (Masci, C., Paganoni, A.M., Ieva, F., Agasisti, T.)
- Fourth Lisbon Research workshop, Economics, statistics and econometrics of education. January 27, 2017. “Explaining school value-added in a flexible way: an application of regression trees and boosting.” (Schiltz, F., Masci, C., Agasisti, T., Horn, D.)
- LEER Workshop on Education economics, March 31, 2017. “Tree-based methods for a flexible analysis of OECD PISA 2015 data across countries” (Masci, C., Johnes, G., Agasisti, T.)