Invited Lectures
- 2nd EdEN Summer School on Applied Techniques “Hands-on data in education research“ – October 16-18th, 2017, Budapest.
Location: Center for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, within the new
Research Building of Human Sciences (MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza)
Teacher: Dr. Chiara Masci
Contents:- Machine Learning for Educational Data
- How can machines help? A statistical introduction to Regression Trees, Random Forest and Boosting with R-lab for applications to PISA-2015 data
- Course “Management of Emergency Care” – 2017, Pavia (IT) ,
Organized by the Italian Society for Emergency Care (SIMEU) (Cristina)
Location: IRCCS S. Matteo Hospital
Teacher: Dr. Cristina Mazzali
Contents: “Methods for measuring overcrowding in Emergency Departments through administrative data
- Premium course “Real World Data: between opportunities and challenges” for professionals – 2017, Milano (IT)
organized with the Permanent Observatory for Digital Innovation in Healthcare
Location: Politecnico di Milano, Milano (IT)
Teacher: Prof. Emanuele Lettieri
Contents: “Administrative Data for Hospital Performance Assessment”
Workshop on Profiling in Healthcare – November 1st, 2016, Berlin.
Location: Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care in Germany (Zi)
Teacher: Prof. Anna Paganoni & Dr. Francesca Ieva
Contents: -
- Introduction to Profiling in Health Care
- Advanced methods in Profiling
- R-lab: Implementation of Profiling using