Anna Maria Paganoni

Role in HEAD: senior researcher involved in both health and education research topics

Anna Maria Paganoni (PI) is born in Milano, Italy, in 1971. In 1994 she received the Laurea cum Laude in Physics from the Università di Milano, in 1999 the Doctorate in Mathematics from the Università di Milano. She became Assistant Professor in Probability and Statistics in 1999 at the Department of Mathematics at the Politecnico di Milano. From 2010 she is Full Professor in Statistics at the same department. She is currently member of MOX, laboratory in modelling and scientific computing and coordinator of the Laboratory of Education and Experimental Teaching, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano. Her recent research interests focus on statistical methods for classification and pattern recognition in healthcare context, on statistical methods for inference on high dimensional data, on study of administrative big databeses, on models for the analysis of functional data, and on multi state models for time to event data. She joined many different important research projects both privately and publicly funded.

MOX-Modelling and Scientific Computing, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano
phone: +39 0223994574